The Bad Crowd Raw Puerh

The other day I mentioned something about “the bad crowd” in the context of the Water Blue Mark.  You know, those husky raw puerhs that have a big bite, with an equally big taste, astringency, and that something that lingers in the mouth that is decidedly of the tobacco class.  I’ve written on the Liming Square in the past, but the climactic conditions of cold and rain convinced me to revisit it.

Liming OG Square: A Bit Bigger and Warmer Raw Puerh

The Puerh Junky seems to recall having ranted on the merits of Liming TF in the past.  They’re clearly one of the most underrated of old-school factories and by old school, we’re talking  about before the 60s.  They generally have two types of productions: cakes and bricks, with the former far out numbering the latter.  There is a difference between the two that goes beyond shape.

Liming cakes express varying ranges of floral.  They go from a very strong, high-pitched floral that could be likened to Meng-ku rong Shi productions to a slightly lower level of florality with an overlay of azz-whoopin’.  These are extremely popular expressions among many puerh drinkers, and will largely judge quality and qi by level of brashness.  One of the interesting features of Liming’s floral expression is that it doesn’t fade or transform but seems to just get more sonorous, like a scene outta Hitchcock.  It bears mentioning that many of their mid-aged cakes are extremely reasonably priced, presenting a superb value given the base material.

Sonorous Liming

Bricks on the other hand are not nearly what the Puerh Junky would class as floral but more as tobacco, not that any of the bricks tasted could be in any way smoky.  Here, tobacco refers to a darker cured Similar to the cakes bricks are quite durable, releasing many infusions.  The ’07 Organic Square still appears green around the gills but the taste is not green in the least, with very obvious root beer notes.

The sweet, grounding, and medium tone sound of the OG Square is very pleasing in the cold of winter.  The bad crowd is real good at times like these.

by Yang-chu