Tasting Notes on the ’06 Peacock Puerh

The dry wiff of the ’06 Peacock brick is evocative of 7536.  In a heated pot I caught some veggie notes that I associate with some ripes.  I’m going with a little less than 7g in my eggplant pot.  A few minutes sitting, another wiff after the first rinse.  Vanilla and spice.

The first infusion is a bright gold and that vegetal note is quite present.  Water’s at 212, so I gave it only 10s.  Rock sugar sweet, with an instant “gan” effect at the front sides of the tongue.  It’s striking me as being more numbing than astringent.  As it cools some of that vegetal is present.  Just opening up.

First infusion 10s

Smell of wood smoke is immediately evident in the second round.  It initially reminded me of this:

By the third 7s infusion the color is decidedly more solid.  A bit of froth worked up but vanished fairly quickly.  There’s some tiny bubbles now.  I put in two chunks.  It is pressed nicely.  A suitable amount can be either flecked or chunked.  I’m noticing a lot more minerality now.  There’s now no mistaking the taste of camphor.  No real aftertaste to speak of beyond the feint essence of petrol.

The cold pot smells like pencil shavings.  The fifth infusion has more root beer flavour, evocative of the Mengku Tiger.  I think as it cools the root fades to pencil.

Infusion 5 of Peacock Brick

The Mengku Tiger has more spring material: floral and root beer, which I’m not picking up on in the 6th.  It’s lightened up quite a bit in terms of thickness and is on the other side of froth.  “How does a pot of pencil shavings strike you old chap?”  A very complex blend of medicine, bitter, sweet, smoke, and petrol.  Astringency picks up here.

Overall, quite friendly and dynamic.  Not what my sources of dejavoyance said.



by Yang-chu