2014 Hekai Dragon Pearl Photos

Here’s some shots of the 2014 Hekai Dragon Pearl puerh taken over the course of three separate years.  Hekai is a Bulang village.  It is often the chief component of mater constituting “Bulang” productions.  Here’s a chance to taste the pure Hekai taste.

2014 Hekai 2015 Shot


2014 Hekai Dragon Pearl 2018 Shot


2014 Hekai Dragon Pearl 2019 Shot

Let the pictures speak for themselves.  Brewed in porcelain, this puerh is a sweet and satisfying summer beverage.  The cashed leaves would be excellent for a cold brew.


’16 Bulang Business

It’s been deathly dry these past days.   The young raws are hitting the spot again.  Here’s a couple shots of the ’16 Bulang Business in it’s original habitat.

’16 Bulang Business


’16 Bulang Business #2

Take a stick of Juicy Fruit, some rocks from a mountain stream, add some stevia and you’ve basically got yourself the Bulang Business.  Throttle the thickness and bitterness with your infusion time.  This is true high-quality Bulang bitter.  The edges are not sharp and astringent.

All in all, it’s a very cheerful production.

Rock Sugar Bulang– and a Dash of Fruit

I picked this Bulang production up when I was in my Du Qiong-zhi phase.  She’s one of the “refugees” from the vaunted Menghai TF, back when the state tea monopoly began to dissolve in the mid-90s.  As a free-agent, she had her hand in the development of several Xinghai TF and Pengcheng TF productions, among others.

The 2011 Peacock S Puerh is not going to be something to write home about, but as a daily drinker in the scorching hot days of summer, it turns out to be quite refreshing.  I think it might be perfect chilled and I plan to cold brew the cashed leaves, as the rock sugar sweetness with fruity and astringent kick should be perfect in these conditions.

I believe I’ve noticed this cake getting richer and sweeter in the two years I’ve had it, more sweet than rich.  The huigan builds to a slow crescendo with rock sugar being the most outstanding trait.  Five minutes post drink you’ll be tasting much sweetness with saliva stimulation.  I went with 10s infusion for the first 7 passes before increasing the time.  The rock sugar never fades and there’s no pronounced bitterness even as the astringency builds.