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Star of Week: 2012 “Fu,” CNNP

Somehow I feel that the 2012 Fu has already won acclaim as SOW (Star of Week), but I don’t want to go back to check, just let the chips fall as they may. So, one of my two buddies dropped in this week from Beijing. He planned to carpool up north with a friend of his, who happened upon my residence for such reasons and feeling the need to be a good host I offered some of my stash. I thought that something quick and easy was in order. It’s mid summer. The days are warm and the late afternoons are punctuated by cool breezes off the Pacific.
The 2012 Fu is a fruity sweet delight. It might be considered the Chenin Blanc of the raw collection: sweet with body, highly drinkable. I put 6g in my 120ml yixing clay pot and gave the first infusion about 30s before down-shifting to about 10s. I used somewhat cold water, possibly 168 or so. It takes the hot water fine without turning bitter, but still water on the cooler side seems to help the brew maintain its liveliness. It is a very cheerful tea, and certainly something that would be easily drunk by the puerh novice.
The brew itself is rich, i.e., “fu” (馥), and the fragrance is equally full. The taste lingers a good spell, beckoning for another round. Despite its youth, it feels very gentle on the stomach. Overall, Fu seems perfect for the summer.