Raw Puerh Summer: OG Gangsta

Raw Puerh Summer: OG Gangsta is the unceremonious title for a blog update on the eponymously referenced object of attention: ’05 OG Gangsta.  In some regards, it appears our pirate of Puerhia is getting “sof”, as they say back in Philly.

I broke off a fleck of a little over 8.6327g, placing in my 150ml gaiwan.  The whole fleck went in, and I gave it a good two minutes to brew.  From Palookaville to Plum Village, if I had to tell ya.  No smoke, no toe-curling astringency, something you’d give to the gramma of the girl you started dating to get on her good side.

“What’s this, Joey?  Ya sayin’ da OG done gawn straight on us?”

“Hold ya hawses, Milton.  I’m just tawkin’ about the first few passes like four or somethin’.  Ah ain’t done tellin’ ya about da nex day.”

Each of those subsequent infusions were about a minute, surprisingly sweet and entirely unexpected.  The next day wouldda made the gang back in Philly proud, lemme tell ya.  By that time all the leaves had loosened up real nice, ya see.  Then, they got yer normal flash action.  The first one was a real doozy, a blast of camphor right in the kissa with some vanilla on top.  It then settles in to something more familiar, though softer, with the smoke greatly attenuated.  The sweetness and the texture are also much more developed and the huigan confidently redolent.


by Yang-chu