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Puerh Junky’s Floral Hypocrisy Exposed!

Puerh Junky’s Floral Hypocrisy Exposed! Our sources have uncovered gross Puerh Junky hypocrisy. These are grave offenses in eyes the puerh faithful. He has been running an ostensible root beer racket with brazen aplomb, but we have discovered that aside from his ripe forays in placation of his wife’s morning pleasures, that he actually isn’t as averse to florality as commonly presented.
Our unnamed sources have reported to us today on the 24th Mar that he has been dallying with floral Yiwus, CMS (Chamasi) to be exact. We’re talking about the Dragon, CMS to be exact, which this morning pulled off a stunning performance.
Our sources have revealed that his Puer Junkyness was tasked to unveil Yiwu and resorted to introducing the recently listed Dragon, CMS. Little did he know that his tasker was our undercover agent. All of his feigned humility and uncertainty vanished from the very first infusion. The Puerh Junky himself acted surprised. He noted a sublime florality, and then started making excuses stating nonsense about Shanghai refinement and the absence of rough edged that the upper crust of China seek out.
For his part, our agent endeavored to keep his wits about him, despite was was an obvious full-body qi effect. He reported, to his credit, that PJ’s floral recriminations needed to be balanced against Zen. These are matters that our agent is just learning about, though his atunement to cha-qi is keen and her did his best to remain skeptical through his inebriation.