’08 7262, XH


Thick and Humid

The ’08 7262, XH aims to replicate a famous Menghai TF production from the mid 90s.  Since it was developed in the 90s, the traditional numbering system doesn’t apply here, obviously. However the “7” is a head nod to the 70s when ripes were developed.  It’s comprised of Menghai material, leaf grades between 2-6.  All info gathered the recipe’s meaning can be deciphered, as the final 2 is Dayi’s factory designation.

Meistra Zhang, founder of Xinghai TF, is in the Menghai TF lineage.  She has a reputation for some strong raw productions, but Xinghai is generally renowned as an excellent maker of ripes.  The 7262 is no exception.  It’s been humid stored, with humus and mineral notes.  No hidden fruit like their Merlot and a much huskier expression than their Silver Peacock.

Sample avail in the Xinghai Ripe Sampler Set.
