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Principles Behind Pu rh and Weight Loss

Over the past few years, pu erh tea has become increasingly popular. This is not only due to taste, but also because it aids in weight loss. Still, there are many who are doubtful about pu erh’s ability to promote weight loss. When it comes down to it, the question is whether pu erh has any effect on weight loss at all. Below, the principles behind pu erh and weight loss are discussed.
1. Chemical Action
Before the popularization of pu erh’s ability to assist in weight loss, people have been well aware of green tea and oolong for this purpose. The principle actions are attributed to polyphenols, catechins, chlorophyll, and vitamin C. Polyphenols have a fat-resolving action. Chlorophyll blocks the digestion and absorption of fat. Vitamin C assists the in the expulsion of cholesterol from the gall bladder. All of these nutrients are natural, having no side-effects.
These nutrients considered, what can account for the popularity of pu erh in particular? Is it just a fad? Indeed not! But, in order to understand why, its constituents must be considered. pu erh is Yunnan large-leaf variety tea. It is the source material for all tea in the world, the mother of all tea. Its polyphenols, catechins, and caffeine are higher than other small-leaf variety teas.
2. Physical Action
Research shows that in-vitro puer decreases intestinal contraction width and reduces intestinal contraction rate. A reduced small intestine contraction rate indicates that digestion of chyme is reduced causing the absorption of fewer nutrients. pu erh expands the walls of the intestines, therefore causing an increase in the distance that chyme moves with every peristaltic contraction. Since the time that chyme rests in the intestines is reduced, there is less time for nutrients to be absorbed. It is in this way that the ratio of nutrients absorbed is less than the amount of food consumed.
Since the digestion of fat takes a long time, usually about three hours, drinking pu erh after a meal effects the absorption of fat. pu erh allows fat to be excreted through the bowels as opposed to being absorbed. This is the reason why the nomadic tribes of the western regions of China love pu erh. Their primary food is meat. Everyday they consume much protein and fat. Since their consumption of fruits and vegetables is little, their vitamin intake is minimal. They consequently must rely upon pu erh to assist in metabolizing excess fat. This is the story behind the Chinese saying that pu erh cuts fat. That is ripe pu erh. Raw pu erh hasn’t undergone fermentation. Therefore, it contains high amounts of polyphenols, caffeine, and tannins, which can over stimulate the intestines and stomach. Those with weak stomachs can encounter stomach upset or cramps if raw pu erh is consumed immediately after a meal or while fasting.
3. Microbial Action
Regardless of whether it is through expedited fermentation (ripe) or naturally aged fermentation (aged raw), microbes and their metabolic factors make up pu erh, giving rise to its color and flavor, and constituting an important aspect of its health-imparting properties. pu erh’s fermentation process produces many beneficial microbes, primary among them is Aspergillus niger, a kind of Saccharomyces that aids digestion and boosts metabolism leading to weight loss. Remember, shortly after overeating doctors recommend eating a few pieces of fermented food. After a couple hours it will be digested. Microbes are the most plentiful animals in the world. Their existence is the foundation of all life.
The principles underlying pu erh’s effectiveness for weight loss are chemical, physical, and microbial. The western nomads of China have been drinking ripe pu erh to aid in the digestion of fat for a very long time, given the constraints of their diet. Ripe pu erh has undergone fermentation that lessens the effect of compounds that might otherwise overstimulate the stomach, causing stomach cramps and upset. Microbes are the foundation of life and ripe pu erh effectively functions as a probiotic that boosts metabolism and aids digestion.