LM Square Puer: Reflections

Let’s do a bit of a retrospective through some photos of the ’06 LM Square.  Pretty harmless looking box.  LM stands for Liming Tea Factory.  One of their brands is Ba Jiao Ting.  The names can be used interchangeably.  Here’s a link to write-ups and products related to this factory.

I want the pictures to do the talking:

At the very least there were two pressings of this production ’06 and ’07.  The best pressing is shown above.  The level of detail is exquisitely expressed here.  Other pressings, though they may taste identical by my standards is decidedly of poorer quality.

Here’s the reverse side.  I just talked about the compression yesterday.  Below is a shot from two years ago.  I didn’t specify which infusion.  Notice how turbid it is in terms of clarity.  Lotsa tasty stuff in there.

Since I know it is a brick, I engaging with it on different terms from a cake.  Sorta like the difference between consume and stew.  Bricks and tuo tend to fall into the stew category.  Stewed fruit to be precise.

’06 LM Square, 10th Infusion

This is a shot taken in late Aug of ’18.  I guess my record keeping is getting better.  Let’s look some more.

Cashed leaves take one.

Here’s from two years ago.

Really tough to differentiate.  One thing I notice is that the shot from June of ’16 has more bitsy material.  I’d rather go with a chunk 10g than to have precisely 7.5g of bits.  No bueno.  If the production comes apart easily, that’s a different story.  In general, we’re not drinking matcha.

I came to Liming because many of their productions possess a peacock emblem.  My peacock category is not just with peacocks or “phoenixes.”  Many cakes boast of being from Peacock Country.  Among those in the know, these are unassailable braggin’ rights.   Pengcheng and Xinghai also avail themselves of this reference.  In terms of consistent high standard, Liming is the best among them.


by Yang-chu