LM Square: Atomic Compression

’06 LM Square, 10th Infusion

The ’06 LM Square is a serious treasure that lasts forever.  The huigan is outstanding.  Its aroma is pleasant and noticeable.  Atomic compression.  Before going into this, let me relate a few thoughts about what I remember it to have been.

Liming productions can come with quite a bit of smoke.  I remember this square to be solidly representative: smoky, sweet, thick, and durable.  I didn’t think it lasted forever.  I hadn’t noticed the aroma or been of the impression that it was spring tea, which it is.  I can’t say that I noticed any light brown sugar, which is one of the pervasive themes from one infusion to the next.  The broth presently tastes like Wheaties.

Now about the atomic compression. . .  As a puerh genre, squares are most likely to be pressed into oblivion.  I have a Liming cake from ’05 also pressed to smithereens.  I do not crumble these productions.  I aim for one or two shards measuring between 8-10g.  The rinse is one minute at 208.  I let it sit for five minutes with the lid on.  Infusions 1-6 brew between 30-1m.  Rounds 7-15 according to your preferences.  208 is the ideal temp for certain.  If it seems too astringent lighten your hand, though this production is very kind to those brewing with a heavy hand.

The surprising thing is that given such compression, I would think that the smoke should still be prominent.  But it’s not.  The first part of the session has deep plum aroma and a light plum taste mixed in with the light brown sugar I mentioned above.  Later infusions reveal the underlying spring nature.

by Yang-chu