Imperial Roots Puerh Insurrection

An Imperial Roots Puerh Insurrection is presently afoot.  This is your intrepid Puerh Junky reporting live at the site of the second batch of the Imperial Roots, acquired in ’19.  The second batches are never as good as the first.

Yes, this is another storage lament.  The original Imperial Roots came into the Puerh Junky’s possession in late ’15.  Even though it was young, it was minty and lively.  This present cake, even after two years in my possession is stunted.  It’s not sweet.  The root beer darkness is nowhere to be found.  Instead, it is super minerally.  It tastes like coloured rock water with a considerable lichen influence.  That lichen taste is nearly absent in the original.

This is the most Zen Xiaguan production to come come under my radar.  It’s super Zen and must be drunk at moderate temperatures lest you be bored to tears.  Looks like some tinning is in order.  It’s already been moved to what I hope are more agreeable storage conditions.  There is no hope of recreating the original Imperial Roots, but I can still do some coaxing.

Right now, this is an absolute must for the mineral Zen lover.  The storage conditions have stunted the camphor, sugar, spice notes making it steely, like a medieval knight.

by Yang-chu