Horehound Puerh

I decided to look up horehound because I continue to associate Quincy with it.  The site mentions that it is in the mint family, which makes sense as mint for all intents and purposes to the Puerh Junky is another type of camphor expression.

I can think of only a few other productions that are as medicinal as Quincy.  All of them are characterized by a certain quality of camphor that reminds one of lineaments, potions in a carrier often of an oil alcohol blend, aka turpentine.  Some of the Chinese potions still carry turpentine.

Yeah, here the flowers are turning to wood or already have to some extent.  In contrast to its sister from the same year, Quincy’s flowers or fruit, if ever present, have changed to sweet straw and horehound camphor.   The feeling is both slightly warming and stimulating.

by Yang-chu