Heavy Handed On Cherry Blossom

Heavy Handed on Cherry Blossom is all on account of my sister, who likes her raw puerh with a kick.  I added an extra gram to my normal six for my trusty eggplant pot, 150ml.  The tea crumbles from the cake indecorously but gives off tremendously inviting aroma even dry.

The first and second infusions are the best, the most intensely spicy and numbing.  The aftertaste is sugary cinnamon like Red Hots, also big qi.  But that all wears off by the 4th infusion into a fairly tame experience.

The intensity of the first few infusions is frankly nothing short of spectacular.  It reminded me of a recent acquisition that I found to be among Tulin’s best of what is already very good.

250g Tulin Raw

As the cake continues to develop, Cherry Blossom should likely provide longer interesting sessions.  The raw material from Wuliang Mt seems on part with the Tippy and noticeably better than the AMT or the 07 Tippy, a name I need to desperately change.

Cherry Blossom raw puerh cake is dreadfully tasty on a consistent basis.  The taste pops whether subjected to a light or heavy hand.

by Yang-chu