Coming of Age: ’12 Cultural Revolution Series

Finally.  The Cultural Revolution Series 100g ripe puerh mini-bricks are ready to be enjoyed.  Until now, this production hasn’t done much for me.  Not bad, just nothing to write home about.  I know the general sense that most ripes are pretty much ready for drinking after a year or two.  That gives it sufficient time for the wodui, i.e., the fermentation smell and taste to wear off.  Wodui, however, is not the only consideration with the aging of ripes.

Some say clarity of the brew offers some indication of whether the ripe is ready.  The cloudiness seems to be an indication that microbes are still at work transforming the stuff that comes from the fermentation.  That seems plausible.  There is also the matter of tannins, which is indication of how much the oxidizing needs to happen.  Aging sweetens, softens, and develops tastes.

The Cultural Revolution Series wasn’t so clear earlier, perhaps more tannic than desirable, and definitely lacking a certain roundness.  That’s no longer the case.  You remember “moonpies” or the “choco pie,” the chocolate coated marshmallow cookie?  There you have it.  Lot’s of vanilla with a thin layer of chocolate.  It’s reminiscent of the ’12 Moon Cake by YPH without the talc and 1/2 the price.

by Yang-chu