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Autumn ’23 Clusters

Autumn ’23 Clusters chronicles the surreptitious dealings of a Puerh Junky, aka “PJ”, also with the street name “Peej”. Over the past few months he has been found to be “clustering.” Evidently this is the new hipster term that users are employing to describe groupings of puerhs strongly resembling gangs. This cast of clustering characters can be found under curious headings, but not too curious to puerh users. The following report provides an easy list for those on the lookout. Expect the list of each of the clusterings to shrink and grow depending on circumstances. This tracking is up-to-date as of Autumn ’23.
’03 Award Winning Ripes
- Boss Square
- Langhe Brick
’04 Fruity Ripes
- Merlot
- Golden Sail
- Haiwan Wild Mt
- Lucky 7572
’05 DQZ Series
- Bulang Impressions
- Spring Arbor Tribute
- Blue Mark Bulang Big Tree
- Big Cabbage
- Yiwu Ripe Private Commission
’05 Jinglong Yiwu Series
- Yiwu Prince
- Luoshuidong (LSD)
- Red Ribbon Mountain Melody
’05 Xinghai Raws
- Xinghai Green Mark
- Oasis Odyssey
- Green Peacock
- HK Returns 10th Anniversary
’06 Fuhai Raw Series
- Bulang Wild Big Tree
- Fuhai Melody
- Mincemeat
’06 Haixintang Raw & Ripe
- Grenouille
- Wuliang Longevity Ripe Cake
- Jingmai Old Tree Raw 60g
- Yiwu 7 Sons Ripe
’06 Humid Ripes
- Banzhang Ripe King, Fuhai
- 7262, Xinghai
’06 Lightly Fermented Ripes
- Silver Peacock, Xinghai
- T8371, Zhongcha
- Langhe Tuo
- Macau Brick
’06 LME Brand Ripe Series
- Nannuo
- BZ Peacock King
- Orchid Vanilla
- Arbor King
Cluster categories clump conspiring characters for purposes of easy identification despite a measure of inconspicuousness. Efforts have been made to confine clusters on the first two pages.
Clusters are by no means exhaustive of profile types. There’s some overlap among the lists and other offerings in The Collection may fall into one of the clusters despite listing. For example “55” is lightly fermented but isn’t under that cluster. Descriptions tend to specify offering profiles, while clusters highlight certain characters that may be overlooked or are hidden from the menu but might be found through a search.
Clusters are a work-in-progress, so be on the lookout.