’03 Xiannong Tea Commission (Korea)


Petrichor, Zen, apricot.

Expressing a classic Yiwu apricot-grapefruit nose, this treasure’s conservative Guangdong storage adds a gentle layer of petrichor to a thread of vanilla.  Before taking residence in Los Angeles Mar ’22, it exhibited first-stage Manzhuan Zen with the dustiness of light-humid storage.  Dust converted to mineral and Zen to apricot.  Then there’s the enveloping vanilla. . . Sassy huigan with cheeky sourness at about a 4 piquing salivation, tongue numbing, bitterness at 1.  Huigan turns glossy sweet, coating vanilla and apricot remembrances.  Balanced astringency keeps things interesting. Qi: heady, not instantaneous but building, totally numbs face, eyelid heaviness.  Balanced sweetness (3.75) and thickness (4), which will completely elude drinker if treasure doesn’t sit in open for at least a week.



30g, 400g