’06 Fohai Silver Pekoe, 6FTM


Everything about the experience should convey elegance.

The ’06 Fohai Silver Pekoe, 6FTM is a representative offering having won a gold metal at the 2002 International Symposium on Chinese Pu’er Tea.  The aroma, taste and huigan are all very pleasant with an orchid, incense, honeydew character. 

The Fohai exerts a powerful qi, warming in the chest and back.  In contrast to the Lunar offerings, it is comprised of pure Menghai material.  This means it doesn’t have any of trademark Fengqing black tea floral characteristics.  The floral notes are less rose and more something like honeysuckle.  Also, Fohai is not as tippy.  The sweetness and texture in the huigan are excellent throughout.  Stored in Los Angeles at the latest since Oct ’20.



30g, 357g