2020 Top Tastes

Herein, the Puerh Junky lays bare his 2020 Top Taste preferences.  This is going to be short.

  1. Root Beer
    Imperial Roots— from peppermint candy with faint dank to boss root beer.
    Thick Zen— from thick Zen dry straw to sweet root beer.  Que bueno!
    Tiger, MK— Daxueshan florality with effervescent root beer.  Sold out this year.
    Tiger tuo, LC— From pineapple and green apple to root beer.
    White Tips tuo, TL— dynamic to the hilt.  The second batch is now in cooking stage so can be picked up at a fair price.  It’s simply not the same as the original as it is so much drier.  This imparts an incense and floral vibe instead of forest and mint candy.
    Vanilla Palace— Burly Bulang with florality to zesty root beer.
  2. Zen
    Grenouille— tobacco to Zen
  3. Mineral Camphor
    Cherry Blossom
    Leifeng Ripe– a few free samples avail but not for sale
    7261 Ripe– Coming soon.
    Bada Peacock
  4. Floral
    Lily of the Valley
    Yiwu Princess
    LME Spring Puerh
  5. Perfume
    Red Star
    White Tips Tuo second batch– wretchedly perfumey, what will
    Buddha’s Impression– Coming in 2021

Some have probably ascertained that the Puerh Junky has simply plied artifice in an effort to sell his wares.  Guilty.  In actuality, his is a fairly dualistic view toward the entire affair of puerh tastes: root beer or not.  It’s become a bit of a way to gauge life itself: is it root beer puerh or not?  Higher order life questions include whether an offering portends the promise of root beer.  Of course, there are other manifestations that can be quite exquisite; it’s just they’re not root beer.


by Yang-chu