Puerh Physio-Psycho-Somatics

It’s not rare that an individual will confide to the Puerh Junky that they experience certain phenomena that can only be reckoned as being a case of Puerh Physio-Psycho-Somatics.  It’s a topic that the Puerh Junky tends to avoid.  The fact is that the dynamics of a production have everything to do with the vessel in which it is served.  This doesn’t just deal with the pot, ahem.

This is basic chemistry and biophysiology but the reductionistas somehow don’t get this.

Puerh Suggestion

“Is what I’m feeling from drinking this due to suggestion?  Have I been hypnotized by the machinations of the Puerh Junky’s or Global Tea Hut’s wizardry?” you may ask yourself.  I’d ask you, how much you relied upon my performance?  Was it about me or the tea?  Of course, we want to create space for the tea but when it’s real, it will interrupt everything.

Each treasure speaks for itself in it own measure– when it’s ready.  Some are always ready to show you what’s up.  That doesn’t mean that the material has caught up to it’s expression.  This results in the quality of expression.  A gut-buster isn’t necessarily a bad tea.  The effects it produces upon the drinker is it’s “qi.”  Not so esoteric, huh?

It’s not likely that someone is going to suggest “gut-buster”, but people often remark about laxative effects.  These occurrences positive or negative not only reflect something about the personality of the tea but the condition of the drinker.  Not everything, just possibly some things.  Each individual is of a unique makeup, so general truths are difficult to derive.

Impediments to “Qi-gan”

So far, the Puerh Junky has avoided use of “chee,” what us smarities write as “qi.”  Because of the mystique around qi, it is greatly misunderstood.  When most people say “caffeine”, they actually mean qi.  People attribute far more to caffeine than what puerh conveys, however.  If you think I’m mistaken, go take whatever pills of caffeine and report back that your effect was similar any good tea.

There is a certain disconnect about the simplicity of qi.  In fact, wine have their own qi.  Qi is simply an effect or quality.  Qi does have resonance with essence, but it can refer to overall effect.  Usually, qi is about how it makes you feel, what is called “qi-gan.” “Chazui”, tea-drunk in an effect that differs from invigoration or relaxation.

Qi Is A Fiction?

Those who can’t or refuse to feel qi may be suffering from a number of problems listed below

  • Can’t Dance
  • Eat Greasy, Potatoey Type, Microwave, Boxed Food
  • Poor Breathing, Sleep Apnea, Nasal/Sinus
  • No Exercise or Mind Exercise

It’s important to note that qi isn’t one thing– if that hasn’t been made abundantly clear.  However, those whose qi flow is better or know how to manipulate it will possibly experience more nuanced or greater qi  force than those relatively inert eaters congestive food.  Otherwise, all things being equal, different teas have differing qualities of qi. Those will not just be focused on drunk feeling but also effects like laxative, gut-buster, palpitations, malaise, and sleepiness.


The gist of dabbling into the Physio-Psycho-Somatics of puerh requires reshaping one’s understanding of the word “qi” in the context of the puerh drinking experience.  Secondarily, if you’re qi challenged, stop drinking or start moving.


by Yang-chu