A Fuzzy Enigma: ’07 Beijing Olympics

’07 Beijing Olympics Neifei

The ’07 Beijing Olympics puerh cake is a fuzzy enigma.  I can’t put my finger on the recipe.  I guess it’s most similar to the Blue Mark, but the leaves are more broken.  It is certainly every bit as genteel as the Blue Mark.  There’s also a similar waxiness.

4th 10s Infusion After Eight Hours

The aftertaste is very fruity and somewhat astringent.  There’s no detectable bitterness.  Maybe you can tell from the pic that the ’07 Beijing Olympics is pressed super tight.  The lightness of the brew is a mark of how slowing it opens up.

Infusion 7, still 10s

One writer described it as cottony.  Seems about right.  Here’s a shot from 28 months ago:

Here it is two years later:

Transformation has been steady as she goes.  The broth seems to be getting clearer.  At the same time the hue is brassier than before.  The aroma is noticeably fruity.  The fruitiness is apparent in the huigan, otherwise the liquor is mildly sweet with some hints of petrol in the early infusions.  It’s a real Zen production.

by Yang-chu