07 LME Spring Puerh

The remarkable thing about the LME Spring is its lingering floral huigan.  The liquor goes down smooth, with shades of wheat.  Some traits characteristic of root beer are now also starting to express themselves.  This brew will not bowl you over.  It is extremely subtle, many would say it just tastes like water.  It took me a while to figure it out, but so intriguing it was that I kept drinking to uncover its mystery.

Some time ago, it had been my erroneous impression that it was bitterness that gave rise to a production’s floral character.  If anything, the LME Spring proves that thesis entirely incorrect.  There is no hint of bitterness in this super hard-pressed cake.  It is so dense and of such exquisite material that it impossible to over brew.  It is perfect for those who tend to brew with such a heavy hand that the finer subtleties of soft productions are lost.  It simply does not brew up bitter.

The LME Spring is simply not for those who favour aggressive puerhs.  However, if you appreciate secrets well kept and an evanescent liquor from which a divine aftertaste emerges, then I cannot think of a better treasure.

by Yang-chu